

FAQs by parents regarding career options (Class IX to XII):

Que. The pattern of education has changed with the introduction of new education policy. How do I assist my child through this phase?

Ans. Indeed, the NEP has brought certain changes in the education pattern and the combinations of subjects that the students can choose. It is advisable to understand the student’s preference, keeping in mind, the abilities of the student as an individual. During virtual classes, the parents can encourage the child to attend classes for their own knowledge enhancement. With constant efforts, the student will be able to introspect his/her strong subjects and areas of improvement. Further, a Career Guidance Test (Aptitude-Personality-Interest) can be conducted, which will further help in identifying the core areas of probable peak performance for the child.

Que. With the advancement in technology, various new career areas have emerged, which are different from the mainstream careers. What will help my child choose the best from so many options?

Ans. The student can contact the school for career guidance individually to help him/her understand their strengths in Aptitude and Interest. This can further be streamlined through the assessment of the child’s Personality. Once combined, it will help the child in narrowing down the options and choose the best for himself/herself. Depending on the facilities, intellect and requirement, various new career options have emerged and subsequent courses have been introduced by various Universities. The decision will become more concrete once the child understands himself/herself on realistic grounds, eventually deciding the best career option for self.

Que. What are the subject options available after class X?

Ans. With the implementation of the New Education Policy, the child has the freedom to choose the combination of subjects that he/she wants to study, with certain combination denied by the CBSE. However, it is important that the child chooses the combination which is best suited for the career that they aspire to pursue in the near future.

Que. My child is not good at technical subjects, which makes me worried about his future. How do I improve him in these subjects?

Ans. Before proceeding, it is important to understand the root cause of the child’s poor performance in technical subjects. If it is due to lack of motivation, interest or practice, it can be improved by assigning specific time each day to study these subjects. If the child is facing learning difficulties, they need to be identified at the earliest, so that the child can be given adequate interventions in time. These interventions are structured in consideration with the abilities of the child and are provided in a manner which makes learning a joyful experience for the child.

Que. What courses can my child pursue once he/she completes class XII?

Ans. With the new areas of career opportunities emerging, the Universities offer various mainstream, as well as other professional courses after class XII. Depending on the child’s interest and aptitude, the child can opt for the course. The NEP has provided certain flexibility in the nature of degree the child receives after 1/2/3/5 years of continuous education, depending on the course. Before proceeding, it is important the child realizes his/her potential and goals so that he/she can select the course accordingly.

Que. Why has my child become so complacent and disinterested since the school went virtual?

Ans. Virtual school system is a blessing in disguise, which has helped the educational institutes in imparting education, despite the challenging circumstances so that the learner is not at a loss. At the same time, it has restricted the movement of the child. During physical classes, the child came to school, engaged in various curricular and co-curricular activities that ensured a joyful learning experience. Now the child is unable to meet and play with the friends or move outside freely. It is time we try to think from the child’s perspective. At home, a family time can be scheduled where all the family members play indoor games or do some activities together, away from their devices. It will help break the habit of complacence and help the child be interested in events within the house.

Que. My child keeps on changing the career goals. What can be done ?

Ans. Refer the child for counseling session. The professional intervention will help in identifying the issue and then help the child in taking adequate steps towards a fruitful decision for the career.

For further assistance, kindly contact the school for career guidance.


Career Counselling

A structured scholastic and career counselling plan is conducted by the school progressively introducing higher levels of achievement skills from Class VIII onwards. This widens the scope of the students' thought process, options available to them and skills required while assessing and developing their individual skills. These sessions graduate to skill assessment and counselling seminars for students and parents and finally home on to awareness about relevant educational institutions and opportunities available. The broad activities are as follows: -

            Class VIII : Scholastic and Career Plan

  • Students write about their dream career options.
  • Students are introduced to the concept of goal setting to achieve their dream careers.
  • These goals are then classified into short-term, mid-term and long-term goals with perspective plans towards achieving them spelt out.
  • Motivational sessions are held regularly so that children remain focussed towards their goals.

Class IX : Steps For Better Career Planning

  • Students explore their career choice to discover new facets and dimensions.
  • Students identify academic courses which lead to fulfilment of their career choice.
  • Students identify professional courses which focus towards their specific career choice.
  • Students are also informed of careers which are not in the main domain but off-beat.
  • Students are advised about the routes they can pursue to attain their chosen career.
  • Students are taught techniques to deal with and overcome exam anxiety.

Class X : Career Counselling Programme

  • The career counselling programme is conducted in five steps.
    • Step 1 is Psychological Testing comprising Aptitude, Interest and Study Habit Tests.
    • Step 2 is a Career Counselling Seminar which also includes a Learning Style Check and Multiple Intelligence Questionnaires.
    • Step 3 is a Seminar for Parents.
    • Step 4 comprises Individual Counselling by experts to motivate, fine tune and carry out mid course corrections, if any.
    • Step 5 is the culmination with an elaborate individual report generated for each student.

Class XI & XII : Career and Academic Awareness

  • Discussions are held on various career options highlighting requirements, career paths and routes to their attainment.
  • Subject wise career options are spelt out so that every student is aware of the spectrum of opportunities available in each stream.
  • Students are made aware of institutes, colleges and universities which offer various courses alongwith the test schedule, application deadlines, eligibility etc. for each course.
  • An elaborate career notice board covering a broad spectrum  is made and put up in the school for ready reference by students.